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Toby Wallace

Toby Wallace

GP, Derwent Practice, North Riding Community Health Network
Dr Toby Wallace is a GP partner in North Yorkshire and has 15 years experience working as a GPwER in musculoskeletal medicine across various MSK interface services. He has also worked in rheumatology as a clinical assistant. Toby is a long-standing member of the Primary Care Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Medicine society. Over the past 2 years Toby has been working with NASS (National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society) as champion in primary care. Working to educate and empower local primary care teams and their patient populations in earlier identification of axial spondyloarthritis (AxSpA). Toby has also liased with Ardens in updating and improving their templates on identification and referral of patients with AxSpA. Alongside his NHS work Toby has experience of working and volunteering in amateur and semi-professional rugby as a team medic.