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James Earls

James Earls

Therapist, Born to Move
James Earls is a writer, lecturer, and bodyworker who in recent years he has concentrated on blending movement with manual therapy to create a new functional approach to bodywork. James is now concentrating on finding new approaches to understanding how to apply movement and myofascial principles to bodywork. James now teaches a range of his own courses through Born to Move a training academy he co-founded while still being a regular speaker at conferences and workshops around the globe. Renowned for his relaxed and humorous style, James is a popular presenter whose subject is applicable for a wide-ranging audience that includes osteopaths, physiotherapists, massage therapists and movement therapists. James recent publications include: 'Born to Walk', an introduction to the interconnected mechanics of the body, 'Understanding the Human Foot' and the more recent 'Functional Anatomy of Movement', a unique and comprehensive approach to functional anatomy countering the oversimplified and static current teaching of musculoskeletal anatomy.