Dr Anthony Gilbert
Clinical Research Physiotherapist,
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH) NHS Trust
Dr Anthony Gilbert has developed expertise as a clinical researcher over the last decade whilst working as a Physiotherapist at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH). Dr Gilbert completed an HEE/NIHR MRes in 2015 and was awarded his NIHR funded PhD in 2022 which investigated patient preferences for remote consultations. Anthony has developed a specific interest into the ways healthcare systems are organized and how this influences patient access to healthcare.
Following the completion of his PhD, Anthony was employed at the RNOH as a post-doctoral clinical research physiotherapist. In this role, Anthony is responsible for the evaluation of a proof-of-concept musculoskeletal hub in the community. Anthony led engagement activities during the design phase and supports patient-informed quality improvement through ongoing research and engagement. Anthony has recently undertaken work with local communities in Enfield where people experiencing food poverty are seen in community outreach clinics for their MSK problems. Anthony continues to develop a programme of research around musculoskeletal care and was recently awarded funding by NIHR SPCR to investigate the challenges people from deprived communities face around accessing primary MSK Care.