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28 Oct 2024

Henshaw Hyperbarics

Henshaw Hyperbarics

In recent years, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has gained widespread attention for its diverse health benefits, and Henshaw Hyperbarics has been at the forefront of this innovation. As a trusted name in the industry, Henshaw Hyperbarics has developed cutting-edge technology to bring hyperbaric oxygen therapy into homes, wellness centres and sports facilities worldwide. With a focus on safety, effectiveness, and convenience, the company has helped people harness the healing power of oxygen to promote recovery, enhance performance, and support overall health. 

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)? 

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing in additional oxygen in a pressurised chamber. The increased air pressure allows the body to absorb more oxygen than at normal atmospheric pressure as it is absorbed by the blood plasma and tissue. This surplus oxygen promotes healing by boosting the body's natural recovery mechanisms, reducing inflammation, and encouraging tissue repair. 

Why use Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in clinic? 

  • Enhanced Client Treatment Options 
    Offering HBOT as a service allows therapists to integrate it into their existing practice. For physiotherapists and occupational therapists, HBOT aids in quicker recovery from injuries, reducing inflammation, and boosting overall physical well-being. 

  • Improved Client Outcomes 
    By offering a therapy that accelerates healing, reduces pain, and improves cognitive function, therapists can enhance client satisfaction. The faster or more comprehensive improvements in their patients' conditions can build trust and lead to higher retention rates and referrals. Accelerated healing is particularly important to performance athletes. 

  • Attract New Clients 
    HBOT is a unique and relatively specialised service that can set a therapy practice apart from competitors. It may attract clients who are looking for alternative or adjunctive treatments for chronic conditions, or recovery after surgery or injury. 

  • New revenue streams 
    Having an in-house HBOT chamber allows therapists to generate additional revenue and grow their business.  

Why choose Henshaw? 

With a commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer care, Henshaw Hyperbarics is setting a new standard in hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Henshaw are not just about providing the most leading-edge equipment; they are about providing professionals with a turn-key business solution. Henshaw offers unparalleled levels of support including ongoing training, advanced training, user and technical support, doctor and medical support, and ongoing operational support, including, on-the-road engineers, spare parts, service level agreements and warranties. 

Henshaw Hyperbarics has truly revolutionised the world of hyperbaric oxygen therapy by making it more accessible, affordable, and effective. Henshaw Hyperbarics provides a solution tailored to meet your unique needs. With their high-quality chambers and full support system they are setting new standards in health and recovery.

Written by Henshaw Hyperbarics

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