MSK Conference Programme 2024

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Using health data to improve equity of access to MSK healthcare

27 Nov 2024
Breakout Room 1
Using health data to improve equity of access to MSK healthcare
Overview of work of Versus Arthritis MSK Data group.
Steven Wyatt: Equity of access to elective hip replacement surgery - what progress have we made? Elective hip replacement surgery is a cost-effective means of improving hip function. Previous research has suggested that the supply of hip replacements in the NHS is governed by the inverse care law. In this presentation, Steven will examine whether our efforts to improve equity of access to this important intervention have been successful.
Dave Pilbury and Cherise Girgin: Using data to move care closer to home and into areas of greatest need. In this session we will explore the range of data that is available to us- locally, nationally and from the populations we serve. We’ll show how it supports our service provision and impacts on the inequalities that exist including the health of populations, improves access and engages us with our communities. We’ll include practical examples of how we put things into practice and how we measure its impact.
Karen Hodgson, Head of Health Intelligence - Versus Arthritis
Steven Wyatt, Head of Research and Policy - Strategy Unit
David Pilbury, Director - MSK Services & MSK Champion for Versus Arthritis
Cherise Girgin, NHS MSK Partnership Liaison Officer - Vita Health Group