Mitchell Hooper at Therapy Expo 2024

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Strength Training for the Clinical Population - Session 2 (for upgraded ticket holders only)

28 Nov 2024
MSK Breakout Room 2

2023 World’s Strongest Man and Clinical Exercise Physiologist Mitchell Hooper will be running two workshops title ‘Strength training for the clinical population’. Here he will bridge the gap between training for high performance and getting people strong to live their everyday lives; as a hint, they’re really not that different.

You will learn the imperative cues and techniques to keep everyone safe while training at the high intensity required to cause physiological change. He will be covering the fundamental movement patterns of life: squatting, pressing, hinging, pulling, carrying, and overhead pressing.

If you’re looking to take something away from the training for yourself, for athletes and for your injured clientele, you won’t want to miss this!

Upgraded ticket holders will receive:

  • 60-minute training time with Mitchell Hooper in an intimate group session (with just 25 delegates per session) in MSK Breakout Room 2 (enclosed space)
  • A LHBK branded t-shirt
  • The chance to take a photo with Mitchell Hooper, 2023's World Strongest Man
  • Full access to Therapy Expo 2024's exhibition hall and conference programme
  • Priority seating during Mitchell Hooper's keynote session on Implementing evidence in practice: 2023 World's Strongest Man
Mitchell Hooper, 2023 World's Strongest Man - Lift Heavy, Be Kind






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