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Stanley Sports Ltd

Stand: TH15
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The VO2 Master is a portable, accurate, simple to use metabolic system.

Offering a simple, accurate method of assessing exercise intesity and metabolic data, without the traditional bulk of backpaks, messy cables and hoses.

Meassuring ventilation and oxygen uptake on a breath-by-breath basis, the VO2 Master analyser ensures you can get the best infomration about your clinents' physiology.

The easy to use app will then provide you and your client with a clear to follow report and personalised training zones, to ensure they are doing the right kind of trainig for their goals. 

If you 're looking to offer weight loss or weight managment, the VO2 Master has the option to offer resting metabolic rate (RMR) - making precise targeting of nutritional intake a simple but effective process.

Take your training plans to a higher scientific level, offering your clients greater advancements in every session


Stanley Sports
Unit 20, Longford Industrial EstateLongford Road
WS11 0DG
United Kingdom
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  • The VO2 Master is a portable, accurate, simple to use metabolic system. The VO2 Master offers a simple, accurate method of assessing exercise intensity and metabolic data.
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