EasyReach Underwear (post operative garment)
- | Recovery equipment e.g. cryotherapy, orthotics, podiatry
EasyReach Underwear is a brand new form of adaptive underwear.
Originally designed for patients after hip replacement who struggled to bend their hips enough to don normal underwear (normally). They are incredibly useful, in fact, for anybody who struggles to don their underwear; back pain, rehab after a sports injury, hip bursitis, pregnancy, after abdominal surgery.
Designed by Professor Oliver Pearce and Mr Parm Singh, 2 international hip surgeons; EasyReach underwear permits you to sit down, zip then on without stretchig or straining, and preserves the dignity of dressing without needing help to get dressed.
There is also a bespoke gel pack and side pocket to permit cooling gels packs over the hip.
10 Langdale GateWITNEY
OX28 6EX
United Kingdom
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The EasyReach adaptive udnerwear garment is born out of providing hip replacement patients with a dignity preserving option to be able to dress themselves after hip replacement. It quickly became obv ...
After years of development and medical research Easy Reach Pants are being rolled out in private and public sectors, people who are unable to bend to put their pants on are benefiting from these life ...