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09 Sep 2024

Nemidon Gels 

Nemidon Stand: TB60

There is a growing demand for effective delivery systems in helping to offer transport, targeted and effective release of active ingredients. 

Nemidon Gels are manufactured from seaweed colloids providing a polymeric layer that has skin contact with the peaks of the skin. 

  • The application of active ingredients from Nemidon operates by a different principle because the actives are never dissolved in the Nemidon, but rather are dispersed in cavities within the gel which are delivered through water flow rather than diffusion.  This delivery occurs as the gel dries and thus squeezes out the actives.  Instead of having to overcome the distribution coefficient and then wait for diffusion to get benefits from active ingredients, the drying of the Nemidon Gel causes significant pressure that is available to force the actives on the skin.  Furthermore, because the actives are not dissolved in the gel, all the actives are available. 

Nemidon Ocean Health Limited is a New Zealand biotech company that specialises in researching the properties of seaweed for their unique medical and cosmetic uses.  We have developed gels that assist in relief of: 

  • joint and muscle discomfort 

  • dry skin conditions 

  • Chafe prevention 

Our gels are widely used by leading sports people and medical carers. 

Five products have been FDA approved. 

Last year, 2023, Nemidon submitted an abstract to the Lipoedema World Congress held in  Potsdam, Germany about the hydrating factor on skin by Nemidon Hydrating Gel.  The abstract was accepted. 

The gels have a significant number of practical as well as scientific advantages: 

  • fast working; 

  • long lasting; 

  • skin can breathe i.e. sweat can pass in and out; 

  • leaves a clean skin after application.  Strapping and/or clothing can be applied immediately after use; 

  • Easy compliance. 

Nemidon Limited image

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