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22 Nov 2024

Easy Reach Underwear (Post Operative Garment)

EasyReach Underwear (post operative garment) Stand: TL41
Easy Reach Underwear (Post Operative Garment)

After years of development and medical research Easy Reach Pants are being rolled out in private and public sectors, people who are unable to bend to put their pants on are benefiting from these life changing pants!  The Easy Reach team who are on stand TL41 are excited to be making their first appearance at this year’s Therapy Expo.  Lina and Sarah will be delighted to meet you and show you how this innovative garment can make such a massive difference to daily life. 

Easy Reach Underwear affectionally known as ‘Professor Pearce’s Pants’ is the brain child of Professor Pearce, UK and business partner Parm Singh, Australia.  This new and well- designed product enables hip, knee and spinal/abdominal surgery patients to get dressed independently.  Easy Reach Pants can also benefit anyone who has a problem bending, injured athletes, the elderly and expectant mothers to name but a few! 

Image of Professor Oliver Pearce

Easy Reach Underwear affectionally known as ‘Professor Pearce’s Pants’ is the brain   child of Professor Pearce, UK and business partner Parm Singh, Australia. This new and   well-designed product enables hip, knee and spinal/abdominal surgery patients to   get dressed  independently.  Easy Reach Pants can also benefit anyone who has a   problem bending, injured athletes, the elderly and expectant mothers to name but a few! 

 Easy Reach pants are easy to put on using zippers and poppers when sitting or standing,   independence is key to people’s lives and using Easy Reach pants no, grabber, reacher or carer is needed, freedom is the name of the game! Using cutting edge and thoughtful     design the pants are comfortable, flexible and discreet. 

We are  looking forward to sharing with you these pioneering pants that have been development and created by Prof Oliver Pearce, Hip & Knee Surgeon & Vice Chair Research, Milton Keynes University Hospital 

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