Conference Programme 2024

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Why neuro-sensory integration is the missing link in treating pain and movement

28 Nov 2024
Theatre B

Are you neurally curious? Please take a seat!
To move well, first we must sense well.
If we don't sense and integrate our inputs accurately, then we cannot move our bodies optimally.
Many of your most complex and challenging patients with limited or no response from 'conventional' therapy might be just a few eye movement or head flicks away from feeling a whole heap better. You owe it them to attend this talk!

  • Learn how and why therapy became entrenched in the soma and ignorant of the brain.
  • Why forward thinking therapists in the 21st century cannot afford to ignore neuro sensory integration.
  • How eyes and inner ears play a vital role in all forms of movement.
  • What we as therapists can do to help our patients sense their way to less pain and better movement.
Paul Coker, Specialist Physiotherapist and Educator - Move Physiotherapy