Conference Programme 2024

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Positional release for lower back pain: moving away from muscle-focus approach

27 Nov 2024
The Hands-On Hub
Clinical Reasoning Massage & Manual Therapy
Understanding the limitations of a biomechanical driven model in MSK care, is not enough, the reasoning and hands on strategies we use must also align with it.
Positional Release or Strain Counter Strain is one of those passive hands on techniques which can help both the therapist and the client to shift away from a muscle focused understanding of pain and to put the client in the driving seat of the therapeutic experience. Anna Maria has chosen to present it with a focus on its use with Lower Back Pain, especially acute LBP, as from her clinical expertise is one of the most difficult pain to help reconceptualise and provide meaninful relief from. A totally practical session where you will be encouraged to practice and experience the techniques shown.
  • Theory to Practice:
  • 1. When to use Positional Release in Lower Back Pain sufferers.
  • 2. Explore different narratives as part of Positional Release techniques to help the client make sense of their pain.
  • 3. Learn different techniques to be used for Acute and some chronic lower back pain presentations.
Anna Maria Mazzieri, Soft Tissue Therapist, Educator and Founder - The ST School