Conference Programme 2024

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Look at the state of you!

27 Nov 2024
The Hands-On Hub
Ethics & Professionalism
“Touch is the context” Anna Mazzieri
Your internal state is part of that context. You might deliver the same treatment every day, but consciously or not you won’t be the same person showing up to the couch every day. In this workshop, we will explore how to increase your own awareness of state and how to influence that to maximise the benefit of your treatment for the client and also the enjoyment and fulfilment you can experience at work. This will be an exploration of the concept of internal state through a combination of teaching and playing with being in different states.
  • Theory to Practice:
  • 1. How state may affect your own experience and enjoyment of your work, as well as that of your client.
  • 2. The theory of archetypes and their relevance to state.
  • 3. Practical ways to quickly shift state.
Jo Turner, Physiotherapist, Clinic Owner & Life Coach - Mehab